Jakob Schnell
Jakob Schnell
noPlaceFound: 'No place found with the imputed content',
unknownSearchPlaceError: 'Unknown search place error' better: location?
We could set this up as proposed in the black documentation [here](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/integrations/github_actions.html), using github actions. The same Lint workflow could also include pylint, flake8 and possibly isort. Compare [the Django...
After further reviewing, we'd probably prefer [ruff](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/). ToDo: * [ ] add local installation instructions * [ ] configure ruff as desired * [ ] set up action on push/PR/…...
Hey, this is about impossible to debug without having an idea of what your input looks like. Could you provide an input file that exhibits the issue? Best regards
Hey, we assume that your issue is related to the locations of the points that you're using to request your matrix with. Thus, reproducing your issue is only possible if...
Hey, thanks for the data. When I use this to request a matrix, I do get the error mentioned by @Merydian - the restriction is 3500 routes per request, and...
fixed in #176 and the corresponding #199
The idea of this parameter is, that one attribute of the input layer is kept in the output layer to be able to join the input layer's attributes to the...
I am not sure if that is the only purpose of the fileld, but that's probably already better than what we have. Maybe @maze2point0 has a suggestion?