Jakob Schnell
Jakob Schnell
The pr didn't close this issue - this was to document things that are still there, but do not affect functionality. Further items: * use `folium.GeoJson` when requesting `format=geojson`
Hey, yes, the QGIS plugin is unfortunately not feature complete in regard to the API, and it is not something we're currently working on. We'll happily review a pull request...
In any case, #133 should get done beforehand.
This should also fix relative imports all around. Additionally, note that `.ui` and `…UI.py`-files are automatically generated and should not be touched.
We have a few type annotations in some places. We should probably expand on this and use [mypy](https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) for type checking at some point.
Regarding line length: This is a count of how many lines exceed the flake8 default line length of 79 characters. ``` $ flake8 --exclude __pycache__,*UI.py,*.ui,resources_rc.py | grep -o '[0-9]\+ >'|awk...
Hey, no you are probably not, is is very well possible that the code above does not work in certain situations. This is currently being worked on, albeit somewhat irratically,...
Hey, great find :) What's your expectation of what should happen if you click the "refresh"-button next to the providers? Should it keep the selection or revert back to the...
While we could set any provider as "active" when the value of the combo box changes, I don't think this is possible for the dropdown of the processing scripts. This...
Further discussion revealed, that this could also happen on closing the window, so that would mimic setting it whenever the value in the dropdown changes (unless someone has both windows...