Ben Hopkins
Ben Hopkins
Do you get any compilation errors for DX9? Also, can you confirm the latest revision has this issue? I merged my optimization branch yesterday that cuts down a fair amount...
Ok, thanks for the update. I'll try and figure out the issue and report back in here.
Those are artifacts related to the reflection angle. Use Eye Fade Start and Eye Fade End to hide them. Eye Fade Start is the Z value of the reflection angle...
What eye fade start/end values did you use for these?
I've just pushed a fix for this to the develop branch.
I'm using Unity's native VR support for my VR demos. I'll give the SteamVR plugin a try and see what the issue is.
I tested this out with the SteamVR plugin today (using Oculus DK2) and was able to get it running without much trouble. The main things I had to do were:...
What version of Unity are you running? I just had someone else reach out to me, describing a similar issue, they're on 5.4 beta (I'm on 5.3). I'll download 5.4...
I looked into this over the weekend, something's definitely changed in 5.4 related to per-eye 'screenspace'. There seems to be quite a few people running into issues with regular image...
@MephestoKhaan this is fixed in the develop branch. When running on the Vive select the FullScreenQuad game object that is parented to the camera and set the horizontalScale property to...