Christopher Snowhill
Christopher Snowhill
Any suggestions about what hotkeys are really needed? They have to be implemented with MASShortcut in the same dialog.
The info inspector is currently hard coded to display the tags that Cog actually reads. Cog doesn't read much more than you see there. And it doesn't really support writing...
It currently reads all tags now, and the Info Inspector now displays the full Date field, as well as the Comment field (see: tooltip for full comments), but I could...
The font size is already customizable, by pressing Cmd + and Cmd - on the playlist window. It defaults the font size to the system font at the size of...
I'm changing the default to the Regular control size, which ends up being 13. I don't hard code the unit size, just reading the control size for Regular, instead of...
It's in build right now, and will appear in updates when complete in about 15-30 minutes. About a day if you're using the App Store version.
The Info Inspector is supposed to be forced dark style, and the selection color is supposed to be a dark color based on your accent color, or the app's default...
Looks good, I'll put incorporation on my todo list for a future build.
I like this last one: > But the lines on the playlist object need to be thicker for non-Retina displays, otherwise it looks like a blur. It looks perfect on...
Also, please, for future reference. Please only use Black shapes in these templates. No white shapes, that doesn't work for templates. All objects with holes in them must be assembled...