
Results 11 comments of kodai

https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/issues/4946#issuecomment-927800881 Is there nothing we could do to load iframe when we need ? like after initialization and before`signInWithPopup`

@caleb-harrelson >Watching #609 for maturity and consider merging. I wrote #609. I almost left it immature because I found it takes match more work than I first though and this...

This hack works. But, `next/future/image` render only img tag, while `next/image` render img tag wrapped with span. Storybook may show different results from production.

@clvrkio Hi, did you come up with any work-around or alternative for the textures usecase ?

Hi, Thank you for your work. I know Storybook `play` function is kind of supported by `MetricsWatcher`. But I still have some flaky snapshot with async `play` function, is there...

Hi, the similar issue occur using js animation like framer motion (which has no flag to disable all animations https://github.com/framer/motion/issues/1160). If we have infinite animation it times out and can't...

I'm having same issue, no workaround found yet ?

Even the easy fix for deprecated dependency with approved PR has been left behind for months. How is this topic going?

Thank you for clarifying. I'm sorry for misleading (I'm learning English as non-native). I realized the choice of words is poor reading back🥲 I know we don't need to support...

Looks like some folks using my basic [storybook plugin](https://github.com/kodai3/storybook-addon-launchdarkly). I would love to hand over the maintenance as I can't prioritize keep up to date if it make sense