Kobus Herbst
Kobus Herbst
I get this access violation when I read the attached Arrow file. I suspect there is an empty record batch in the Arrow file: ``` Please submit a bug report...
I am using this function to save a batch Arrow files into a single Arrow file with record batches: ``` function combinebatches(path::String, file::String, batches) files = Array{String,1}() for i =...
### What happens? When executing a query on a large table (>900 million records) I get the following error: Query ``` sql WITH resdays AS ( SELECT md.IndividualId, md.HouseholdId, md.DayDate,...
### What happens? The file for a file-based database is not closed properly by the `close_database` function. ```julia using DuckDB using DBInterface db = DuckDB.DB("C:\\Temp\\test.duckdb") t = DBInterface.execute(db, "SELECT 1")...
When I try to convert an Arrow file to Avro using this code: ``` function t_arrowtoavro(path, file) a = Arrow.Table(joinpath(path, "$(file).arrow")) |> DataFrame println(Tables.schema(a)) Avro.writetable(joinpath(path, "$(file).avro"), a; compress=:zstd) end ```...
When I try to precompile Arrow, I get the following error: Julia V1.10.4 Platform Info: OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin22.4.0) CPU: 14 × Apple M3 Max WORD_SIZE: 64 LIBM: libopenlibm LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7...