Uhm hey owner of squidify.org here, if you need help adding it to your tool, lemme know what you need help with.
Welp, how is this Feature req. sitting on the backseat, its basically what this statuspage system needs. Please make it happen already.
> Just throwing in my 2 cents: It's worth exploring for Feishin to look into the [OpenSubsonic API](https://github.com/opensubsonic/open-subsonic-api). I believe the OpenSubsonic API is the end result of [the thread...
> FYI, its on its way --> #419 It failed tho, not sure how optimistic we should be.. @jeffvli might know..
> It should just be a matter of waiting for it to be finalized and merged. Indeed great news, i hope it happens soon because till now many people used...