Building on FreeBSD 12.1 is easy. Here is what I did: 0. Get gr-master.zip from https://github.com/sciapp/gr 1. cd ~/build unzip -q ../Downloads/gr-master.zip 2. Edit lib/Preflight: a) #!/usr/local/bin/bash b) if [...
OK, agreed with the above. What's the next step?
I'm trying to make a merge request, but not succeeding. According to what I see on the web, clicking on "Pull requests" at the top of this page should take...
I understand your point about versions. However, (a) sometimes building a package for a particular OS requires specific tricks, and I don't know how BinaryProvider deals with that, and (b)...
I think this is a good suggestion "Perhaps, the build.jl could some decision method like Pypandoc which uses the previously installed Pandoc if it is not older than the provided...
I see, thanks. Indeed, I don't have OpenMP installed at all. I'm surprised the compilation works. There is OpenMPI3 and OpenMPI4 for FreeBSD. Which do you recommend?
Hmm, I'm confused. I use the official Julia binary for FreeBSD. That seems to be compiled with clang 10, the official compiler on FreeBSD. Are you saying that NOMAD needs...
Thank you. I don't understand what CirrusCl is about, however.
I interpret that to mean that, as a user, I don't have to worry about it. Right?
I'm having problems updating right now. Will re-try on Sunday.