Kenzi Connor
Kenzi Connor
Would it perhaps be a good idea to put a big bold note in the readme that it is unmaintained?
Thanks winton. I'll see if the client that is using it is willing to be the official maintainer or not.
Have at it. ;)
Yes please.
*Pleeeeaassse* Why not? Because right now we have to check a spreadsheet to use lookup? Not either adding a reverse lookup/to_id, coercing to int ID instead of bool, nor adding...
It's a loading/inheritance issue. If you change ``` AppendJsonIndex < JsonIndex ``` to ``` AppendJsonIndex < JSONIndex ``` it works. Maybe ruby version differences in some ```super``` logic.
@oestrich any chance either of making that tiny change, or that a PR would get accepted for it? Maintaining a fork or a monkey patch for three letters case change...