I'd suggest that it doesn't follow symlinks. It seems weird to me that it could return the filepaths parent (if it would return).
I'd just not follow directories. This will avoid the most severe class of bugs. I can imagine that at least someone already did the following: ``` listFilesRecursively >>= mapM_ removeFile...
Hey John, what an honor to read your words on my tiny hobbyist project (I've actually got a totally different profession). At least for now, I'd suggest to ignore the...
Well, I'm not using windows. Could you try to cd into haskell-fun and run cabal build in the terminal? It seems like cabal is choking for some reason.
Would you mind to test the "refactor" branch?
And if this results in the same error, could you insert a `(sleep-for 1)` at the beginning of the definition of `haskell-emacs--start-proc`?
Hm, this happens when `(read foo)` is called, where `foo = nil`. It's quite strange that you get the error of permission denied. The process is explicitly killed before compilations...
It should be possible to use template haskell to generate the dispatcher list, making the arity list obsolete. That could remove one compilation step (from emacs) and make the text...
with template haskell, all that is needed should be a list of customize options and modules installed via package-install
Well, you'd declare it as a normal dependency. Or do you want to distribute a haskell module for haskell-emacs via melpa?