Visarut Tippun

Results 10 issues of Visarut Tippun

update podspec R.swift.Library ~> 5.4.0

Reactive wrapper for `setTitleColor(_:for:)`

Using 'class' keyword for protocol inheritance is deprecated; use 'AnyObject' instead

``` 2021-09-23 13:39:02.981621+0700 appName[8661:1408003] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: [views count] == 3' *** First throw call stack: (0x180eab05c 0x1993c5f54 0x18276c99c 0x183bf3aa4...

Reactive wrapper for `setTitleColor(_:for:)`

add top bottom offset

Upgrade web form 0.4.0 to 0.5.1 @zmtzawqlp

Support AGP 8

1. Support AGP 8 2. Fix Compile Issue #272 3. Add lints and format code 4. Add lunch.json for VSCode to easy run example project For people who are waiting...