Scott Knight

Results 16 comments of Scott Knight

The comments on this thread make it sound like Qemu was patched in May to address this issue. Perhaps try using Qemu 6.1.0

Working to get 4.0.x support into the Golang bindings (Gapstone) here:

Yeah I think I was thinking of the CA certificate which is installed. In general I wanted to at least get something submitted to look into all of these and...

I was doing some reading this morning and came across this bit of information from the [MDM Protocol Refernece]( >Dequeueing Commands > >Your server should not consider a command accepted...

@jessepeterson Were you thinking the error would be thrown when you try to start the server up? That could work. I definitely find myself deleting my config when doing different...

I wonder if the buford library is missing other default values since they're creating their own `http.Transport` instance ``` // DefaultTransport is the default implementation of Transport and is...

Solution #2 seems to be exactly what buford recommends

Adding links to some related ideas that have been discussed in the past:

I could probably add support to the remove command to do it by serial number as well without to much trouble. I remember discussing the fact that the main spec...

Also it might be worthwhile to rename the `-command-webhook-url` to just `-webhook-url` since it now sends out more than just the command responses