Hui Cao
Hui Cao
I am very sad to know your paper was rejected by ICLR, I believe your research is very useful to many areas, especially in security and privacy. Good luck in...
Hello Song I guess maybe you knew a new paper named ML-Leaks, improved by your works. arxiv:1806.01246. What's your opinion? Do you think ML-Leaks is a more effective works? Thank...
i want to know that the train_feat_file & train_label_file are the train data set of Target? Should I build a Target classified model? Thank you.
Hello Dr Song. I noticed that you are the author of Chiron. I want to know could I download Chiron and use it for evaluate my research. If so, please...
Hello, Song. I try your code via UCI adult's salary data set and cifar10. I get a result similar with yours for adult's salary data set, however for cifar10, i...