Zack Zeng
Zack Zeng
@justinmk Perhaps I have missed something, but I couldn't find any old awk script in this project. Is this issue outdated?
@justinmk I have used `` to generate the documentation hosting [here](, PTAL. Does it need any modification?
@justinmk Perhaps we should generate the documentation using @tweekmonster 's script instead of ``? I think the former one generates prettier docs as well. @tweekmonster The docs may look better...
@tweekmonster What's the status of your script? Could we use it now?
@zhsj 我对 reST 不太熟悉...
反向代理有什么不好的地方吗? 我在日常使用中没遇到什么问题
@gaoyifan 唔... 一般来说下载 crates 只是下载几 M 的源码压缩包, nginx 也有缓存, 我觉得反代对速度很难有什么大的影响. 另外, 就我的体验而言, 下载一个项目的依赖的时候, 多数时间是花在更新 registry, 而这个不是反代, 所以说我不觉得改成本地服务会对速度有很大提升. 当然我也没实际测试过, 学长你可以试验一下, 如果真的对速度提升很大, 可以更换, 我没意见.
@gaoyifan 我们已经有 anaconda 这个源了,
@gaoyifan 目前是通过 lftp 同步的。我不是 anaconda用户,不知道怎么添加第三方 channel
@utam0k Hi! I would like to work on this!