Kenneth Geisshirt

Results 187 comments of Kenneth Geisshirt

> doesn't happen in our code If the transaction isn't happening in your code, I am wondering where it comes from. Does it happen only when the app launches (schema...

My guess is that your ProGuard configuration is missing something. Please provide a full reproduction case for us to help you further.

Without a reproduction case - or at least your proguard configuration - it is difficult to provide a good answer.

@machiav3lli You might have to check your `packagingOptions` (see

Please share a link to your project

@RomainGF Thank you for reporting. We believe it has been fixed by Realm Core v13.26.0, and we need to upgrade in order to get the fix out.

@jalen-ma It is similar to How often does it happen? Any particular operation which triggers it?