Jan Philipp
Jan Philipp
@juristr I get the idea you are somehow talking about a feature someone has called the days "component (based) translation loader" or so. But I do not get your problem/your...
Phew, well. First of all thank you reporting and getting in touch. Although I get your point, I have a problem of parsing with a regex HTML code for some...
@eliranek1 Different environments are browsers in our case, effectively, yes. We have no explicit list of browsers, but have very moderate support which is also caused by the supported AngularJS...
> @knalli I'm not quite sure what you want me to do with the translateSanitizationProvider. Can you please provide a little more detail? @eliranek1 This allows you adding custom strategies...
Please provide demos in a fully working manner, we have already blueprints for this: 1. Please open [this plnkr base](https://plnkr.co/edit/8vRLnfGmtg51qZFfDeVc?p=preview). 2. Fork it (at the top left). 3. Ensure the...
And thank you for the perf demos already. As I said already, I'm still unsure about the coverage of all bad input. I simply not trust the pattern yet, needs...
Hello, as we had already mentioned in the [issue's template](https://github.com/angular-translate/angular-translate/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md), we need a working and as minimal as possible demo covering your specific use case or issue. Follow these steps:...
Have a look here: https://angular-translate.github.io/docs/#/api/pascalprecht.translate.$translateProvider#methods_uniformlanguagetag
I don't get it. The locale negotiation behind the scenes (i.e. via `determinePreferredLanguage()`) is configurable with `uniformLanguageTag()`. However, if you apply a language explicitly, you are already in control. Where...
@Aides359 We would welcome your contribution :) > Alter L165 to return locale instead of preferred This would ensure not the requested but the actual used locale. I think that's...