Knut Morten Okstad
Knut Morten Okstad
jenkins build this with downstreams please
jenkins build this with downstreams please
jenkins build this with downstreams please
jenkins build this with downstreams please
jenkins build this with downstreams please
jenkins build this with downstreams ifem-elasticity=166 ifem-shellex=5 please
The two latter examples above are malformed. Guess you ment to write `3` and `3` ? Then I can say that in general both of these variants are supported, and...
The `utl::getValue` function is supposed to be used only when there is a _single_ value. Therefore it is not used in the nGauss case. Morever, the form `` has neven...
OK, thanks. I will give it a try.
The most relevant scenario is perhaps: We want both ssv and viz-files,where viz-file contains "all" results wheres ssv typically contains the most interesting field only (one chosen scalar field +...