Duplicate of #343
An old question but since nobody tried to explain I'll try to give two approaches. Perhaps it will be helpful for others. **First option** Remmber RootViewController of current window, and...
I noticed that if you are using tailwind with custom prefix, then you also have to adjust those `border-border`, `bg-background` and `text-foreground` class names So if your `tailwind.config.ts` file looks...
I have the same issue,2.11.0 works fine, in the dev console I see this message ```Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': 'HTML > > DIV.elementor.elementor-114:nth-child(9) > SECTION.elementor-section.elementor-top-section.elementor-element.elementor-element-44ff2c4.elementor-section-boxed.elementor-section-height-default:nth-child(2) > DIV.elementor-container.elementor-column-gap-no:nth-child(1)...
> Sounds overengineered for testing. Have you tried enabling "Don't keep activities" in Developer options on Android? Yes I have tried it and it doesn't work, meaning `ReloadFromBundle` is never...
I have a headless setup with rygel working. You need some fake x server to have dbus working with mpris. I use xvfb, it's available in most repos. I start...
Perhaps I will be able to help out. Just to be sure: make sure you use neovim 0.10 add this `plugins/roslyn.lua` ``` return { "jmederosalvarado/roslyn.nvim", } ``` and this `config/lazy.lua`...