Kristopher Micinski
Kristopher Micinski
It seems like in general, the answer you want to this problem would be to use Redexer's live variable analysis to build a DU chain and then find the use...
Dan, Can you rewrite this app and confirm it's broken for you? I'm a bit busy right now and don't have time. My perception says it shouldn't be and that...
Hi Chunrong, This is troubling indeed. One thing that you can do to diagnose the problem is to compile redexer with debugging symbols, and then set `export OCAMLRUNPARAM=b` to get...
You can send it to me, but I probably won't get around to it for a few days because I have other work right now. I might have a chance...
Hi @kuk0. I have observed and began to fix this issue in an experimental Redexer branch which I plan to merge soon. Thank you so much for taking the time...
I have fixed up the function @kuk0 points out in the `optimized-logging` branch now, and will merge in the next few weeks.
FYI I'm having the same problems using with the same versions of libffi and ctypes.