Kevin Dalton
Kevin Dalton
I am unsure if this is a bug in Gemmi or a bug in Sgtbx. Either way it is probably academic. The following script can be used to confirm that...
As discussed in #1742, Fourier analysis is an effective strategy to detect screw axes which is robust to systematic errors in background estimates. [Pointless](, appears to use such a strategy...
Whenever I `pip install gemmi`, the `gemmi` program does not end up in my path. Actually, I'm not even certain the binary ends up on my disk at all. I...
I wrote a faster version of the stream file parser. It mostly just uses more numpy and less pandas while vectorizing operations within a crystal block.
[Isotropic French-Wilson scaling]( uses grid points to efficiently estimate the resolution-dependent average intensity. However, [anisotropic scaling]( currently does not. It just computes the full kernel matrix one row at a...
The [docstring]( for `rs.read_crystfel`doesn't say anything about the columns in the dataset which it returns. I suggest the following descriptions as a start: - XDET,YDET : internal detector panel coordinates...
With pandas version 2.0.3 and rs 1.0.1, calling `reset_index` on a `DataSeries` instance leads to a type error. ``` [nav] In [18]: rs.DataSeries(range(10)).reset_index() --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)...
When intensities and structure factors are both present in an unstacked, anomalous dataset, the stack_anomalous output cannot be interpreted by phenix because the column order is not as expected. In...
Installing `rs` from pypi with the following: ```bash conda create -n rs python=3.10 pip install --upgrade pip pip install reciprocalspaceship ``` I have `rs=0.10.3` and `pandas=1.4.4`. ```python import numpy as...
When called inside a `groupby.apply` context, `stack_anomalous` overrides the `as_index=False` setting and appends the grouping column to the index of the returned dataset with name `None` ```python import numpy as...