Kauê Martins
Kauê Martins
I think this question can be resolved with a `nullable`, then the initial state will be `AsyncData` with a `null` value. You can too use another class that encapsulates that...
Yes, however, the `null` is in the `value` of the `AsynValue`. ```dart class MyNotifier extends StateNotifier { MyNotifier() : super(const AsyncValue.data(null)); Future fetchData() async { state = const AsyncValue.loading(); state...
Apparently, **AVPlayer** automatically requests metadata https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27955125/timed-metadata-with-avplayer In React Native there is a library that implement this for iOS https://github.com/react-native-kit/react-native-track-player/pull/937
But when is `removed item`, this `position` is not will correspond list item by the position. `list[position] != item`