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Finding the most likely split using scoring

Open avinashvarna opened this issue 6 years ago • 10 comments

Opening a new issue to discuss scoring approaches to find the most likely split, such as those raised in,

Regarding @drdhaval2785's comment - Lexeme frequency based scoring is a traditional SMT-like approach. AFAIK, such purely statistical techniques have been largely superseded by neural network approaches (NMT based). The scoring branch has a first attempt to use a word2vec based scoring approach using sentencepiece for tokenization. This is probably not the state of the art, and it could benefit from more data and some positional information but it seems to work reasonably. This can be activated by passing the --score option to lexical analyzer to score the splits and sort them. The score is a log-likelihood type score so it will be negative, but higher is better.

python -m sanskrit_parser.lexical_analyzer.sanskrit_lexical_analyzer --input-encoding SLP1 "vedAntaSAstraprakriyAm" --split --score
([vedAnta, SAstra, prakriyAm], -42.655685)
([vedAnta, SAstra, prakriyA, Am], -53.865582)
([vedAntaSAstra, pra, kriyAm], -60.299915)
([ve, adAnta, SAstra, prakriyAm], -61.211525)
([vedAntaSAstra, prakriyAm], -61.816097)
([vedAntaSAstra, prakriyA, am], -68.705406)
([vedAntaSAstra, prakriyA, Am], -68.761444)
([vedAnta, SAH, tra, prakriyAm], -72.599167)
([vedAntaSAstra, prakri, yAm], -74.081451)
([vedAntaSAstra, pra, kriya, am], -78.149681)
Total time for graph generation + find paths 0:00:02.466483

It does get tripped up with the naraH vA nArI example that @codito gave, but it would be interesting to collect the overall lexical accuracy using the scripts in metrics. (I haven't been able to run it fully. May need to parallelize it similar to what @codito did with the word accuracy scripts.)

I noticed that OpenNMT lua has added a language model, might be worthwhile trying that out as well.

Any other approaches people have in mind?

avinashvarna avatar Jun 02 '18 23:06 avinashvarna

([vedAntaSAstra, prakriyAm], -61.816097)

Why is this on fifth rank?

drdhaval2785 avatar Jun 03 '18 01:06 drdhaval2785

Probably because the long words "vedAntaSAstra" and "prakriyAm" did not occur/co-occur in the training database, whereas the words vedAnta, SAstra prakriyA or similar words occurred more frequently. Isn't the top split a reasonable one?

avinashvarna avatar Jun 03 '18 06:06 avinashvarna

An update: Running the lexical scoring splits that use test data from here shows that scoring and re-sorting the results does improve the accuracy. The below results are from the first ~1000 sentences in the test dataset. As mentioned in the scripts compute the BLEU and CHRF scores (higher is better for both metrics). In the table below, inria is using just the inria dataset for the lexical lookup and combined uses both inria and sanskrit_data. The second and fourth rows are obtained by scoring the top 10 paths that are obtained from the lexical analyzer and then sorting them by the score (as shown in the example in the first post).

inria 59.38 0.89
inria top 10 scored and sorted 74.88 0.93
combined 43.99 0.90
combined top 10 scored and sorted 67.66 0.95

The second and 4th rows have higher BLEU and CHRF scores showing that scoring does help. The combined lookup appears to be better in terms of the CHRF, while using just the inria database appears to get a better BLEU score. I am not sure whether either of these metrics make absolute sense for this task, but they were a good starting point. Subjectively, the combined lookup + sorting the top 10 appears to generate better splits.

avinashvarna avatar Jun 10 '18 06:06 avinashvarna

Finally trying to get into this - your scores are for the first split, right? @avinashvarna

kmadathil avatar Nov 15 '18 00:11 kmadathil

It's been a while, but using the --score option will cause all paths returned by the findAllPaths to be scored and sorted. The BLEU and CHRF scores reported in are when only the top split (without/with scoring & sorting) is used as the final output. Did I understand your question correctly?

avinashvarna avatar Nov 15 '18 00:11 avinashvarna

Thanks! The problem here is how we should compute the scores for lexical_analyzer. The top split isn't special - it's just one of the splits. Ordering is something we do. Let me ponder this for a while.

kmadathil avatar Nov 15 '18 01:11 kmadathil

Correct. That is why it currently computes scores for all paths returned by findAllPaths which are themselves sorted by length. So this would be equivalent to finding the N shortest paths and then scoring them using the lexical criterion and then outputting the one with the highest score. This results in the BLEU and CHRF scores reported earlier.

avinashvarna avatar Nov 15 '18 01:11 avinashvarna

Ah, I think I was confusing myself by overloading "score" incorrectly.

Let me state my current understanding about the scoring branch

  1. There's a lexical scorer, which is activated by --score, which is a word2vec / sentencepiece model that has been trained on the data here. Right? If so, was it trained on the "train" or "test" sets or both?
  2. The BLEU/ChrF scoring is independent, and operates on the output of either the lexical analyzer, or lexical analyzer + scoring in 1), right?

Related question. sentencepiece/word2vec should give us an alternate path to directly go to a split sentence without passing through our code, should it not? @avinashvarna

kmadathil avatar Nov 20 '18 22:11 kmadathil

Ah. Now I see the source of the confusion.

  1. Correct on the behavior of --score. The scorer was trained on the "train" data. It was then tested using the "test" data set to obtain the BLEU/ChrF to figure out if the "lexical scoring and sorting" helps improve the split accuracy.
  2. Correct. The BLEU/ChrF are computed using the first split output to evaluate the overall approach of just the analyzer vs "analyzer + scoring + sorting".

Sentencepiece is an unsupervized text tokenizer, so it learns some structure from the data, but not enough to take a sentence and split it, I feel. I think of it as a way to learn an efficient dictionary of fixed size to represent a dataset. Word2vec then just maps these tokens to a vector space so that we can then do things we normally do with real-valued vectors, such as measure similarity/distance etc. So just the two of them cannot be used to directly go to a split, AFAIK.

However, they can be used to then train a model to do the splitting without going through our code, which is exactly what this project does. As I mentioned in, this approach already gives us better performance on the test data set using these metrics.

For easier comparison, here is the complete table:

inria 59.38 0.89
inria top 10 scored and sorted 74.88 0.93
combined 43.99 0.90
combined top 10 scored and sorted 67.66 0.95
transformer model 83.74 0.96

The last row is the best (with the usual caveats - on this limited test dataset, using these specifc metrics which may or may not be meaningful).

avinashvarna avatar Nov 21 '18 16:11 avinashvarna

complete table

Is there an improvement after two years?

gasyoun avatar Apr 01 '21 11:04 gasyoun