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Parsers for Sanskrit / संस्कृतम्
Parsers for Sanskrit / संस्कृतम्
NOTE: This project is still under development. Both over-generation (invalid forms/splits) and under-generation (missing valid forms/splits) are quite likely. Please see the Sanskrit Parser Stack section below for detailed status. Report any issues here.
Please feel free to ping us if you would like to collaborate on this project.
Try it out!
- A simple web interface is available at
- Launch the example notebook on Binder -
- Launch the example notebook on Google colab -
This project has been tested and developed using Python 3.7 - 3.9. To install the package:
pip install sanskrit_parser
To enable statistical scoring based on DCS, please also install gensim and sentencepiece:
pip install gensim sentencepiece
See next section for some options if gensim installation fails, and you need the scoring feature.
Gensim installation: Alternate options if pip install
The scoring implementation in sanskrit_parser
depends on gensim
for scoring,
which requires the capability to build C extensions for Python. If you have an appropriate C compiler for your system, gensim
should be installed automatically during pip install
. We have seen some cases where pip install
is unable to install gensim
on Windows, and the following instructions are for those situations.
On Windows, gensim
typically requires the installation of Microsoft build tools for Visual studio 2019 as documented here. If you cannot, or do not want to install MS build tools to compile extensions, some alternate options are:
- Install the pre-built Windows library from (Please follow the instructions on the website to install the dependencies first.)
- Run your code in the cloud (either on Binder or Colab) - See links in the
Try it out
section - Use the REST API of documented here - You can use the try it out option under the default version -> splits -> Try it out. It will show you the sample commands for CURL or the URL itself, as well as the response.
- For a tour of the basic features, check out the example notebook.
- For more detailed documentation, see generated sphynx docs.
- PS: Command line usage is also documented there.
Deploying REST API server
sudo mkdir /var/www/.sanskrit_parser
sudo chmod a+rwx /var/www/.sanskrit_parser
- Generate docs:
cd docs; make html
Sanskrit Parser Stack
Stack of parsing tools
Level 0
Sandhi splitting subroutine Input: Phoneme sequence and Phoneme number to split at Action: Perform a sandhi split at given input phoneme number Output: left and right sequences (multiple options will be output). No semantic validation will be performed (up to higher levels)
Current Status
Module that performs sandhi split/join and convenient rule definition is at parser/
Rule definitions (human readable!) are at lexical_analyzer/sandhi_rules/*.txt
This is not accessed standalone from the command line.
Level 1
- From dhatu + lakAra + puruSha + vachana to pada and vice versa
- From prAtipadika + vibhakti + vachana to pada and vice versa
- Upasarga + dhAtu forms - forward and backwards
- nAmadhAtu forms
- Krt forms - forwards and backwards
- Taddhita forms - forwards and backwards
Current Status
Bootstrapped using a lexical lookup module built from
- inriaxmlwrapper + Prof. Gerard Huet's forms database
- the sanskrit_data project, suitably wrapped
(Either or both of these can be enabled at runtime)
That gives us the minimum we need from Level 1, so Level 2 can work. As the generator sub-project matures, that will take over the role of this Level
Use sanskrit_parser tags
on the command line to access this
Level 2
Sanskrit Sentence
Traverse the sentence, splitting it (or not) at each location to determine all possible valid splits
Traverse from left to right
Using dynamic programming, assemble the results of all choices
To split or not to split at each phoneme
If split, all possible left/right combination of phonemes that can result
Once split, check if the left section is a valid pada (use level 1 tools to pick pada type and tag morphologically)
If left section is valid, proceed to split the right section
At the end of this step, we will have all possible syntactically valid splits with morphological tags
All semantically valid sandhi split sequences
Current Status
Module at parser/
Use sanskrit_parser sandhi
on the command line
Level 3
Semantically valid sequence of tagged padas (output of Level 1)
Assemble graphs of morphological constraints
viseShaNa - viseShya
vachana/puruSha constraints on tiGantas and subantas
Check validity of graphs
- Is the input sequence a morphologically valid sentence?
- Enhanced sequence of tagged padas, with karakas tagged, and a dependency graph associated
Current Status
Module at parser/
Use sanskrit_parser vakya
on the command line
Sanskrit Generator
Generate any valid sanskrit pada using Ashtadhyayi rules, plus vartikas where necessary.
Rules are input in a high level meta-language (currently yaml with imposed semantics - this may change), and the internal rule engine executes rules till a valid pada form is output. Input may be
- prakriti + pratyaya
- prakriti + sentence semantics
subantas of ajanta prAtipadikas are currently implemented. Other features are being rolled in.
Use sanskrit_generator
on the command line
Seq2Seq based Sanskrit Parser
See: Grammar as a Foreign Language : Vinyals & Kaiser et. al. Google
- Method: Seq2Seq Neural Network (n? layers)
- Input Embedding with word2vec (optional)
Sanskrit sentence
Sentence split into padas with tags
Train/Test data
DCS corpus, converted by Vishvas Vasuki
Current Status
Not begun