sanskrit_parser copied to clipboard
errata: stem table
I'm not aware if the 'stem' table from sanskrit_data.db is being used or not, but if it is, then some entries in it seem erroneous.
For example, SELECT * FROM stem where name like binary '%a' and pos_id =2 and genders_id=2;
gives a few अकारान्त words, which seems odd. They are probably आकारान्त's (e.g ikzuSalaka vs इक्षुशलाका, going by, or their genders_id is 7 (e.g अवसभ).
If this observation is valid, I propose to keep this thread for noting down further db entry issues if I encounter any.
Thanks for the observation, @sumanthegde , and apologies for the delay in responding.
@avinashvarna , could you take a look at whether this is relevant to our usage?