Kelly Burke

Results 12 comments of Kelly Burke

@siddaiahm thanks for the contribution! @tima101 I would go with a separate folder containing this code, note that it is an example from a contributor and not being actively maintained...

@tima101 I tested the main app in `builderbook/builderbook` folder. Features work as expected.

@tima101 I tested all features of the demo app. Everything works as expected. :+1:

Hi @HtoTheN . Did you mean to report an issue here? Thanks

Thanks @infamousricky . I'm not sure where you are at in Chapter 3, but at some point, we give the following instruction: > Open your .env file. Make sure that...

Sorry for the delay! I never noticed this problem when testing each of the book chapter codebases for `saas`. Now I just tested running the main `saas` app. I logged...

@RileyManda Thanks for the details! I will try to follow and see if I can reproduce what you see. --- @RileyManda I tested as you described but did not get...

For those who recently bought Builder Book or are planning to buy it soon - note that as part of our May update, we will upgrade Material-UI and Next.js from...

Thanks! We will review and potentially incorporate in our next book update.

Thanks! We will review and potentially incorporate in our next book update.