Warit Boonmasiri
Warit Boonmasiri
Do I need to do benchmarking for this pull request?
Here is the benchmark result. ``` Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units LeakTracingRequestContextStorageBenchmark.baseline_threadLocal thrpt 5 138905863.970 ± 1832287.597 ops/s LeakTracingRequestContextStorageBenchmark.leakTracing_always_sample thrpt 5 1347325.018 ± 7907.388 ops/s LeakTracingRequestContextStorageBenchmark.leakTracing_never_sample thrpt 5 10762418.543...
Let me digest everything and get back later. It was a really good discussion. Thanks a lot for all explanation🙏. I accidentally close the pull resquest😱, sorry for that.
After I read through conversion in Slack and try to implement it, I have a question. Here is what I understand. ``` RequestContext.push() -(A) return SafeCloseAble -(E) | ^ v...
> Also, there's one thing I didn't mention that we need to use equals() I got it now. I try to map `RequestContext` to `wrapped` back and forth and at...
Thanks to all reviewers for these meaningful suggestions! 🙇🙇🙇
Hi @ikhoon 👋, If this issue is still valid. I'd like to work on this. Could you please assign it to me? Thank you.