_**Good afternoon and Happy New Year!**_ Can I use this integration to connect **3*BMS boards JK-BD6A20S10P** ? For this I will need 3*ESP32 boards? Or is it possible to code...
v.3.1.1 "muted: true" not applied, sound still comes from all cameras Previously, before updating the version, this parameter worked correctly! **_my config:_** ``` type: custom:webrtc-camera url: rtsp://rtsp:password*@ ui: true muted:...
**_Добрый день!_** Почему перестала работать интеграция? Что нужно изменить? Вот лог: Logger: homeassistant Source: custom_components/yandex_music_browser/default.py:102 Integration: Браузер Яндекс Музыки ([documentation](https://github.com/alryaz/hass-yandex-music-browser), [issues](https://github.com/alryaz/hass-yandex-music-browser/issues)) First occurred: 15:35:17 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 15:35:17 Error...