
Results 17 issues of Klorydryk

### Describe the problem to be solved At time of writing, a plugin can't trigger a notification on __Peertube__ UI from the server script. __Usecases :__ - an error occured...

Type: Feature Request :sparkles:
Component: PeerTube Plugin :package:

Hi, When I open a video list, I can order them by "recent", "hot", "likes"... but not by name. Is it possible to add this way to classify the videos?...

Type: Feature Request :sparkles:

Hi, I applied this process to an image sequence from a video of hornet attacking my hives. But in the end, nothing is detected in the "predict_example" series: ![frelon3304 png](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1232047/46378138-ff94b880-c69a-11e8-9e8a-f99e440c1cde.png)...

Since a few days (weeks ?) I can't have any display of my files in the web client of NC, only the recently modified files. I get this error: _Ce...

I opened this issue on the Nextcloud Server repository: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/25043 - log-in - create a directory - Upload a big file (more than authorized by Nginx, like 5Go) -> it...

Nextcloud 15.0.5. After a fresh Yunohost, I tried to install a complete backup I made a few days before (on the same Yunohost version). Other applications worked fine after...


I have 2 Nextcloud servers (22.2.9) with Circles installed (22.3.2). They are trusted servers to each other (and green !). I want to share files in a group containing multiples...

I tried to manually start a backup via `sudo systemctl start borg.service` I got the log in real time with `sudo journalctl -fu borg.service` It failed with : ``` filesystem.mkdir(self.work_dir,...

yunohost core issue

### Describe the problem to be solved We enhance the video with chapters and subtitles in Peertube, but lost them after downloading. ### Describe the solution you would like An...

Type: Feature Request :sparkles:
Component: Transcoding

### Describe the problem to be solved I have multiple videos to upload. Currently, I have to upload one file at a time, fill the information, then start again an...

Type: Discussion :thought_balloon: