
Results 6 issues of kloimhardt

The following 4 code changes have allowed me to do something like `(sc.api/defsc :brk-1)` in ClojureScript, which pages in the scope prevailing at the last call to `(sc.api/spy {:sc/cs-label :brk-1}...

I create inctest.clj with the following content ``` (println ((fn [f] (f 0)) inc)) ``` When compiling, an error occurs: ``` $ g++ -std=c++11 -pthread inctest.cpp inctest.cpp:2812:40: error: 'inc' does...

When cherry.embed/compile-string is called within HTML ``` import {compile_string} from "./out/main.js"; console.log(compile_string('(require ["A"]) (equire ["A"])')) ``` `main.js` being a CLJS advanced Shadow compiled ES6 module, the output on the console...

In Clojurescript, with two consecutive ``` (tap> "first-tap") (tap> "second-tap") ``` , only "first-tap" appears in the "Taps" window of flow-storm. However, after adding ``` (add-tap (fn [v] (flow-storm.tracer/trace-tap 0...

This is a highly subjective PR: I think the "Choosing an Editor" section in Readme.md should be shifted downwards. Explanation: The value proposition of Clerk is that any editor can...

For example if in line 10 of todo-mvc I change `atom` to `ato` the REPL states "Use of undeclared Var reagent.core/ato at line 1" but the error is in line...