Results 25 issues of Kurtis

There are instances where we'd like to be able to indicate to upstream connectors that the particular args they received were invalid (i.e. the request was incorrect). Having this error...

Given the following `Cargo.toml` and `` ```toml [package] name = "analyzer_bug" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Person McPerson "] edition = "2018" [dependencies] atom_syndication = {version = "0.12.2", features =...


Right now the android app is not nice and doesn't do the logout rest call when a person leaves a player. We should do this.

Feature Request

The AuthActivity uses a progress dialog. It needs to be switched to a dialog fragment.


Right now when the user starts joining a player, they can't cancel this process. This should be cancelable.

Feature Request

When rotating the phone into landscape mode while looking at the artist list, the loader animation just keeps spinning. It should instead just finish loading like it normally does in...


The client does not handle a banned response when joining a player.


Sharing on facebook doesn't quite seem to be working. Need to fix this.


When a user logs into a player with a password, we should give them the option to remember the password they've typed in for that player.

Feature Request

In things like the random search results or recently played, the user should be able to click on an artist name and see other songs by that artists.

Feature Request