Konrad Rudolph

Results 70 issues of Konrad Rudolph

`parse_double` apparently interprets `D` as an alternative to `E` for scientific exponent notation. For people used to R (unless they also know Fortran), this is quite unexpected, and does not...

read :book:
col_types :hospital:

I often want to set up a completely isolated, ad-hoc package library for some quick testing, and use ‘pak’ to install dependencies into it (and for [reasons] I don’t want...


Consider the following code: ```r f = function(x) { UseMethod("f") } g

good first issue :heart:

I’m referring to the [`DESCRIPTION` `Remotes` field dependency types](https://remotes.r-lib.org/articles/dependencies.html#other-sources). I can see remote types for Git, URL, local, etc. But nothing for a non-CRAN, CRAN-like repository, such as R-Universe (or...


The current Makefile fails with a 404 HTTP error. `infgen.c` has moved to a GitHub repository.

This commit fixes a bug in `gitlab` that prevents passing arrays of arguments to the GitLab API. In particular, prior to this PR, attempting to pass an array of parameters...

MWE: ```r box::use(klmr/fun[..., p = partial]) strrev = p(strsplit, '') %|>% p(lapply, rev) %|>% p(lapply, p(paste, collapse = '')) %|>% unlist strrev(c('foo', 'bar')) # Error in p(paste, collapse = "")...


Needs investigation. The following two pieces of code should be equivalent but aren’t: ```r lambda = function (x) { mod::import('klmr/functional/lambda', '


Add `curry` and `uncurry` functions. I’m not sure they’re particularly useful to be honest but [given the confusion between currying and partial application in the R community](https://github.com/klmr/functional/blob/c495cc0de8c103deb88e76025a825fbdd09191f5/__init__.r#L46-L48) it would have...


- [ ] `closure` - [ ] `compose` - [ ] `->` - [ ] `isFALSE` - [ ] `%||%` - [x] `partial`
