Konrad Rudolph

Results 70 issues of Konrad Rudolph

This is a WIP PR to implement #200. It * adds a function `add_hook` with semantics roughly as discussed * invokes the user hooks in `setup_context` * adds a unit...

My specific use-case is klmr/box#199. The package ‘box’ needs to figure out which script file it is called from. It uses the script filename on the R command line for...


This is the mono font of the [WenQuanYi project](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WenQuanYi). It is a narrow font that allows fitting many columns on the screen while preserving excellent readability. The font is licensed...

lmod currently creates a hidden directory (`.lmod.d`) in the user’s home directory that is used for various purposes, notably for the list of default modules and the spider cache. Am...

It would be great if the default lintr config would be preferentially looked up in the appropriate [XDG base configuration directory](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html) instead of the user home directory. That is, if...

In my opinion, ezknitr does a bit too much: At the moment, ezknitr always generates HTML output via `markdown::markdownToHTML`. I’d argue that this shouldn’t happen by default (it’s fundamentally a...

### Please describe your feature request ## Can the following ever work? ```r box::use(foo/bar) ``` Loads a module `bar` that’s defined inside the package `foo`. ## Open questions What happens...

✨ new feature

Currently when passing string data to ‘vroom’ (i.e. via `vroom::vroom(I(mydata), ...)`) it writes that memory out to disk into a temporary file before reading the data back in. Unfortunately this...

performance :rocket:

[:link: `lesspipe.sh`](https://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~friebel/unix/lesspipe.html) is a popular configuration for `LESSOPEN` that dispatches to different filters depending on file types. As far as I understand, it should be able to integrate `dnacol` with...

In the following screenshot, produced by `gunzip -c file.fastq.gz | dnacol`, the first ID line contains highlighted fragments (the `N` just before the end, as well as the barcode). The...
