Aleksey N. Vinogradov

Results 14 issues of Aleksey N. Vinogradov

Opening and close persist connections returns 2 vars as bool (success or not) and error (if any). Seems that just error (nil if ok, message if not) looks more friendly

``` ./ --prefix=/work/boost/build --with-libraries=context ./b2 Performing configuration checks - default address-model : 64-bit - default architecture : x86 Building the Boost C++ Libraries. - symlinks supported : yes - C++11...


Hi! I've tried to just build on Raspberry PI 4b, on Ubuntu 20.04 ``` $ uname -a Linux ubuntu 5.4.0-1032-raspi #35-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 19 20:52:40 UTC 2021 aarch64...

**Describe the bug** Empty cluster doesn't survive restart of the daemon **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. start the daemon 2. issue `create cluster 'c'` 3. stop the...

**Type of Change (select one):** - Bug fix **Related Issue (provide the link):**

### Bug Description: It looks like we have wrong processing of an empty dictionary loading/writing ``` CREATE TABLE x ( id bigint, tag bigint ); insert into x values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3);...


### Bug Description: ```mysql sphinxql-24> create table test3 ( title text, tag integer ) exceptions='exc.txt' wordforms = 'wordforms1.txt' stopwords = 'stop.txt'; Query OK, 0 rows affected ... sphinxql-27> alter table...


Original issue supplemented with text 'it might be better to...' Finaly, it finished with couple of impl details: 1. If ft part of query is empty - assume it is...

These things are just remarks to currently existing things related to ubertests run. As far, as tests work, they can be ignored, (but it is better to fix them, as...

Default scons configuration provides '-ansi' flag to g++ compiler, which actually means '-std=c++98'. So, later tests for c++11 features always fails and build finaly is always based on TR1/Boost implementations....