Mathias Klippinge

Results 37 comments of Mathias Klippinge

I have the same issue. I switched from the old powerline shell to this, and for small repos it is very fast 👍 ``` mathias.klippinge  ~  src ...

I noticed a slight difference, but wasn't sure, so I tried to debug this a bit to present more data. The code is basically doing `git status --porcelain -b --ignore-submodules`...

Hi there, Thanks for showing interest. Unfortunately VSCode and Atom are extremely different platforms. Atom uses stylesheets, and VSCode uses json files. Not sure how it's working, but I think...

I have looked deeper at VSCode now, they support TextMate theme, and they allow to change font style and color using rules, but they do not support changing font name/font...

Thanks for sharing the feedback and this nice theme. "fontFamily" rule in vscode is only used on a global basis for the "editor" configuration. What I am looking for is...

We are also using healthchecks but we are using them on separate endpoints that are not Yoga related. To add to the context we use express app and only mount...

Can we create a new issue to track removing the monkey patch? We can make the monkey patch an optional thing Phobos users can opt in to.

@dorner have you reproduced this issue? And verified #112 solves this issue? Would it be possible for @peco8 and/or @olleolleolle to verify that the branch `cache-sync-producer` solves this issue?

@jbustosj Would you like to make any updates as requested by @dorner? 🚧