Any news about this issue?
In my tests, I can't show the ETA and progress with John the ripper. If I execute "john --status=example.rec" the output is similar to `StatusMatch=[0g 0:00:08:30 0g/s 11531p/s 11531c/s 11531C/s...
Yes. I installed the deb with the version 1.0-beta-29-gc5e2878_amd64.deb. Also, I recompiled John 1.8.0-jumbo-1 following your setup tutorial and I changed the john.conf with the values you indicated in the...
Here are my logs: > [2016-06-01 17:24:04.141983754 +0200 CEST debug](johndict-tasker.go:261) Gathering task status task=b9112e36-cab6-4a4e-8aa5-ff3a276fb622 > [2016-06-01 17:24:04.224136581 +0200 CEST debug](johndict-tasker.go:277) Stdout status return of john call StatusStdout=0g 0:00:11:45 0g/s 42101p/s...
I created the user cracklord and if I execute the same command that the app.., I can get the ETA. This is the example: > cracklord@dev-92-2-crk:/var/cracklord/87e35388-5c3f-4317-9489-e19577a8f7ea$ /usr/bin/jtr/john --format=md5crypt --session=87e35388-5c3f-4317-9489-e19577a8f7ea --pot=87e35388-5c3f-4317-9489-e19577a8f7ea.pot...
Yes, it works running cracklord-queued manually. However, it would be great if we could install the package in Debian Jessie (without errors) to run cracklord as a daemon service with...