Piotr Klimaszewski

Results 4 comments of Piotr Klimaszewski

Hi, so finally I menaged to set the default time, my problems where caused by wrong dependencies. But still I need to figure it out how to set highlighted default/now...

I'm trying to use and `startAt `property from default `mat-datepicker`, but it gives no result `ngxMatDateTimePicker `:/ ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12514322/114321201-ded63500-9b19-11eb-9b37-dacf93f2cd23.png) [https://material.angular.io/components/datepicker/api#MatDatepicker](url) demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ukqeff?file=src/app/datepicker-overview-example.ts

Yeah, it would be nice to change the first day of the week for monday instead of sunday, has anyone else tried?

Just check tutorial/ examples: https://h2qutc.github.io/angular-material-components/datetimepicker ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12514322/109729221-d6ecb200-7bb7-11eb-8dee-03606ba599f6.png)