Printrun copied to clipboard
Pronterface, Pronsole, and Printcore - Pure Python 3d printing host software
I very much dislike the "feature", where I click the input field (like the gcode command line or the values for temps/overrides), start to type and realize that nothing got...
Hi. Just discovered this great interface. Having a problem - keyboard jogging (KJ) is different from circle jogging. When I activate KJ to 1mm steps it actually does much smaller...
its not making the ini file for wifi why what is going on ? RECV: Connect fail, please check your INI file or set the wifi config and connect again...
Using the latest .app build from actions, when I run it (uses Rosetta) it crashes on launch. The build action for macOS should build to Universal instead of x86 to...
I use a pair of 2560x1440, 31.5" widescreen monitors now (not bragging, I was kinda forced to upgrade and they were inexpensive), and find that tiling windows side-by-side, making them...
replace my hot end with a slice engineering all metal hot end and replaced the board with the btt skr mine e3 v2 updated marlin firmware and when i try...
hi, i have question with pronterface and trigorilla board 1.4 1) if im using pronterface 2.0.0rc8 i can connect to the board no problem but when im send "M43 P3"...
hi, i try to send simple gcode to new board skrv1.3 `from printrun.printcore import printcore from printrun import gcoder import os import sys import time p = printcore() p.connect('COM19', 250000)...
I have run into an issue of a number of very long prints failing because of a print head jam. some of these 1/2 day or longer prints were 95%...
Certain G code commands (such as Marlin's G29 T) produce output that assumes it will be presented with a fixed-width font. In order to do this I had to run...