I have already raised this issue https://github.com/m-ab-s/media-autobuild_suite/issues/2278. For myself, I solved this problem by replacing the curl=1 parameter with curl=4 in the media-autobuild_suite.ini configuration file.
Still, the libyuv library is not linked when building. But image encoding works. [ab-suite.cmake.log](https://github.com/m-ab-s/media-autobuild_suite/files/9547103/ab-suite.cmake.log)
Everything works for me now
20:58:23 ┌ curl git ................................. [Recently updated] 20:58:25 ├ Running autoreconf... 20:58:59 ├ Running configure... 21:01:37 ├ Running make... Likely error (tail of the failed operation logfile): In file included...
Same problem. [logs.zip](https://github.com/m-ab-s/media-autobuild_suite/files/11020898/logs.zip)
Compiling with clang runs without errors...
I'm able to build ffmpeg with libplacebo without errors if the build is done by clang . ffmpeg version N-110229-g9919dd102f-g4dffa564d1+1 Copyright (c) 2000-2023 the FFmpeg developers built with clang version...
Normal settings, only the clang compiler is selected. CC=1 Ccache=2 FfmpegChoice=1 In ffmpeg_options.txt enabled libplacebo