Klevison Matias
Klevison Matias
Alembic doesn't cast Int value to Double on Linux (MacOS its ok). **JSONString:** `{"op":"mcm","id":2,"clk":"AKUBANQBAN0B","pt":1505853621577,"mc":[{"id":"1.133562061","rc":[{"bdatb":[[0,3,214.98]],"id":1221386},{"bdatl":[[0,1.49,68.46]],"id":1221385}]}]}` **Error:** `typeMismatch(expected: Double, actualValue: 3, path: Path([1]))` **Code:** ```swift struct BDAT: Parsable { var level: Int...
Radius property created to change blur level of preview image. Demo project changed.
I'm trying to connect to a socket (ssl) ```elixir defmodule WebSocketExample do use WebSockex def start_link(url, state) do WebSockex.start_link(url, __MODULE__, state) end def handle_frame({type, msg}, state) do IO.puts("Received Message -...
Every time that I'm calling `reloadItems()` isotope scrolls page to top. 1) Is it the correct behavior? 2) If Yes.. is there a way call `reloadItems()` method without scroll to...
I'm trying to connect to a socket (ssl) ```elixir Socket.Web.connect! "stream-api.betfair.com", secure: true ``` But I'm facing with this error: ```error ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value:...