
Results 5 comments of Celo

Also having this issue

@linh-ebisolvn For me the issue was that since I upgraded from the `auth 4.x.x` to `auth 5.x.x` they use different npm modules. So in my `nuxt.config.js` I still had `@nuxt/auth`...

Post your nuxt config perhaps? Here is mine: `@nuxt/auth : 5.0.0-1612791489.a5d8c28` ``` auth: { strategies: { local: false, auth0: { domain: 'process.env.AUTH0_DOMAIN', clientId: 'process.env.AUTH0_CLIENTID, audience: 'process.env.AUTH0_AUDIENCE', scope: ['openid', 'profile', 'email',...

When calling logout you just need this `await this.$auth.logout()` btw, you don't need to do `...logout("auth0")`

@linh-ebisolvn One of the previous problems I was having was that when Nuxt redirected me to my logout redirect, I was manually redirecting to the login page before the logout...