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PHP Transmission API client

Results 28 transmission-php issues
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Hello, When I add a torrent using : `$torrent = $transmission->add(base64_encode(file_get_contents($link)),true);` I get the following warning : ``` PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that...

Hi @kleiram I recall from a past issue you mentioned you were swamped at work. There does seem to be some interest from people to contribute fixes, so I wonder...

Hello there, I forked this projet and update it with the latest versions of librairies (buzz, phpunit, etc.) You can submit pulls requests and I can add one or several...

Hello! When i run this php code... ``` require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); use Transmission\Client; use Transmission\Transmission; class metauri{ private $instance_file = '/tmp/'; private $files; private $transmission_host = ''; private $transmission_port = 9091; private...

It seems there are some changes in Buzz API( since 0.17. That's why transmission-php is broken now. It fails with message about missing class Buzz\Message\Request now. But everything is fine...

![imagen]( with code ![imagen]( error_reporting(-1); ![imagen](

correct way of use loading the libraries generated by composer

i'm on a slow net, and when running $transmission->all(), i get this: ```php PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Buzz\Exception\RequestException: Operation timed out after 5000 milliseconds with 476714 out of 2574175 bytes...

I will like to fix issue #74 with locking buzz package version.