Keith Lazuka

Results 24 issues of Keith Lazuka

Unlike all the other built-in types, `List` has no placeholder definition. I would expect that it would be handled similar to `Int`, `String`, etc.: ``` type Int = Int --...


Right now when you do Find Usages, everything shows up as "unclassified usage". We need to implement the `UsageTypeProvider` extension point to provide this capability.

good first issue

A user might list a package in the `elm.json` dependencies, but there's not guarantee that it's actually installed. We should have an inspection that marks those with a warning of...


In `org.elm.ide.refactoring.ElmRenameTest`, the test `test file rename from Data_User to Data_Quux` fails about 50% of the time in CI and 100% of the time on my machine. See failed build...

For applications, any module which is not reachable from the module containing the `main` function, should be marked as unused. For package projects, any module not reachable from an exposed...

In `ElmBuildAction` we do our best to compile the user's Elm project such that all compile errors are found (not just in the current file). This means compiling the file...

good first issue

The `ElmBuildAction` tries its best to compile your "whole" project. It does this by finding the module which defines the `main` function (in the case of application projects) and passes...

When attaching an `elm.json` file of type "package", you may see the error "unsolvable constraints". Due to a bug in version 4.0.0, this error may occur if the dependencies have...


Newer versions of Three20 have added a "numberOfLines" property to TTTextStyle. After I update TTStyleBuilder to get back in sync with Three20 HEAD, I should apply my TTTextStyle patch from...

On Hold