Keith Lazuka

Results 59 comments of Keith Lazuka

Another great resource is the IntelliJ [plugin development docs]( This has been improved a lot over the last couple of years. The source code is still the ultimate truth, but...

I agree with AJ. Which inspections provided by `elm-analyse` do you find most useful?

I just created #418 for unused import alias. We do have a preferences/settings section for Elm, so if there were opinionated (but useful) inspections, we could make them opt-in/out. Please...

Maybe. The team collaboration is a strong reason to do it, so I could be convinced. [elm-review]( also wants to do an integration for the same reason. So I'm not...

This work is related to #718 which also needs a way to figure out whether a module is reachable via direct/indirect `import`s. The only wrinkle here is that #718 is...

Yes, this would be fairly easy to do. The reference system works, so it should be relatively easy to move the value definition and find all the files where you...

It’s a good idea, but I don’t have much spare time. It might be 6 months before I get around to it.

I tried out your latest branch on elm-spa-example `src/Page/Profile.elm`. Attached is a video showing (1) how I perform ad-hoc testing of features like this to verify that it generates correct...

Would this work: Press `cmd-F12` on Mac to show the navigation pop-up (

Makes sense. This would be nice to add. Probably not that hard to do, although I don't know what the plugin hook mechanism looks like.