Klaus Bayrhammer
Klaus Bayrhammer
Hm but it does not start when you try `java -jar cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web-*-bootable.jar`? That's strange... What OS are you using?
But I've tried it on Windows7. That's what puzzles me. Maybe it has something todo with charsets? Or are there multiple files matching the regex `cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web-*-bootable.jar`?
What's the output when you try `dir cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web*-bootable.jar`
Please be aware that the final name of the bootable web-application has been changed from `cucumber-report-web*-bootable.jar` to `cucumber-report-web*-bootable.war`. Maybe this helps?
hum that's tricky.. is it a permission problem? What's the output of `ls -la cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web*-bootable.jar` (or `Get-Acl .\cucumber-report-web\target\cucumber-report-web*-bootable.jar` using power-shell on windows?)
What kind of statistics have you thought about? It's quite easy adding new statistics in the [StatisticsController.java](https://github.com/porscheinformatik/cucumber-report-db/blob/master/cucumber-mongodb-rest/src/main/java/at/porscheinformatik/cucumber/mongodb/rest/controller/StatisticsController.java)
I've got to check whether they are backwards compatible - but it sounds like a plan. Thanks for the input and for trying it!
I've tried to run it on mongodb 3 (db version v3.0.1 git version: 534b5a3f9d10f00cd27737fbcd951032248b5952) and it worked out of the box. Even without upgrading drivers or bumping versions. I've tried...
First part done: The war files (spring-boot and non-spring-boot) are now automatically attached to [github releases](https://github.com/porscheinformatik/cucumber-report-db/releases/latest). So you can download the latest released versions without checkout out and building the...
I had the same problem as @djindjic and your workaround seems to work - but now I'm facing another (probably related) issue. When I execute the `deploy` tasks it seems...