Klaus Bayrhammer
Klaus Bayrhammer
You are right, the silk plugin is a simple java unittest which queries the `/rest/reports` api. The idea behind the silk plugin was that you could annotate scenarios with a...
What do you think about introducing an "advanced filter" block? We could leave the default charts as they are now and have an accordion with additional filter options (like date...
Are you talking about a filter for tags in the charts/statistics page? That's a good idea! But could you explain where we should get information by version?
With replacing the maven-dependency-plugin with the spring-boot-maven-plugin in ee37e4949d019c9d3d0c7658aa44ea6d2f29d8f7 the name of the created jar-file changed from `cucumber-report-web.jar` to `cucumber-report-web-${version}.jar`. A version-independent launch command would be `java -jar cucumber-report-web/target/ccucumber-report-web*.jar`. I...
changed finalname of bootified-jar to cucumber-report-db-${version}-bootable.jar. You can use `java -jar cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web*-bootable.jar` in order to run the application.
you are missing a \* because the version number is a part of the jar-name Try `java -jar cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web*-bootable.jar`. HTH Klaus
It still doesn't start? Even with the adapted launch string `java -jar cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web*-bootable.jar`? Could you share your error message?
What jar- and war-files are in the target folder of the cucumber-report-web module? There should be four files ``` cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web-1.1.0.RC16-SNAPSHOT-bootable.jar cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web-1.1.0.RC16-SNAPSHOT-classes.jar cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web-1.1.0.RC16-SNAPSHOT.jar cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web-1.1.0.RC16-SNAPSHOT.war ```
But it does work when you start with `java -jar cucumber-report-web/target/cucumber-report-web-1.1.0.RC16-SNAPSHOT-bootable.jar`?