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signale copied to clipboard

Highly configurable logging utility

Results 40 signale issues
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**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** What can I do when I log something ? **Describe the solution you'd like** Hi @klauscfhq ! Signale looks awesome...

feature request

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Much of the logger output is aligned to columns. You can see it in screenshots in the README. ![]( ![](

feature request

Please visit the [contributing guidelines]( to learn more on how to translate Signale's documentation into more languages. Tons of thank you to everyone for your help and support! ❤️

help wanted

This PR is for find or get emoji and use it in the badge of custom configured type option. This could be the use case for #19. Emoji may be...


A honest huge thank for your work and this awesome module! ❤️

I recently started using signals, but when i wanted to change the type to "type": "module", it turned out that the module does not support es6.

Could link to the currently active forks in the README, as well. Thank you @klaudiosinani!

**Describe the bug** When i use a extended class for Signale ``export default class Logger extends Signale { constructor(config: any, client?: any) { super({ config, logLevel: 'info', types: { startUp:...

**Describe the bug** When i use a extended class for Signale `export default class Logger extends Signale { constructor(config: any, client?: any) { super({ config, logLevel: 'info', types: { startUp:...

Fix types of types option, based on the documentation and source code I can provide not fully described object for types e.g. ```javascript const {Signale} = require('signale'); const options =...