
Results 54 comments of KlarkC

I was wondering why so huge build times, thanks @amesgen for mentioning the workaround. This cache is public? Can/should I use it in [nix-templates](https://github.com/LovelaceAcademy/nix-templates)?

I believe it's public, because it's being recommended in [plutus-apps](https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-apps/#iohk-binary-cache)

This is also happening with me in any code-action, the error message is pretty close: ``` Error detected while processing function 169_on_accept[10]..169_notify[2]..168_quickpick_accept_code_action[5]..168_handle _one_code_action[3]..lsp#utils#workspace_edit#apply_workspace_edit: line 3: E1206: Dictionary required for argument...

I believe we should have, beyond "use client" and "use server", also "use serverless" pragma, because we need to be inclusive with other technologies.