
Results 54 comments of KlarkC

As it not working anymore, I'm reopening the issue.

@trm217 I am not aware of how vercel is working nowadays, maybe someone who is currently using monorepos on vercel would answer this. It is blocking you of using monorepos?...

Workaround: Got an old version working (v0.8.1.3) ```bash NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1 nix-shell -p haskellPackages.patat -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/96ceff97da009d9605287e70cd20b04409ea30c6.tar.gz ``` [Source](https://github.com/jaspervdj/patat/issues/65#issuecomment-510725975)

When initial value is 0 it works

+1 for this. When using nix expressions, the derivation only exposes esbuild CLI, to use plugins with esbuild in this context, one need to build a js-backed derivation to inject...

Somehow yes, but the styleguidist only worries about documentation and the playground (demo), not about all aspects of this repo style guide. That's why I am doing this as a...

I have this issue, I need to replace a [tailwind config](https://daisy.js.org/core/colors) with style generated output, but the original config was made with `primary`, `primary-content`, `primary-focus`, `secondary`...

Here's my solution without know the pipe existence. I had to dig into closure javascript universe for hours ``` javascript var http = require('http'); var bl = require('bl'); var urls...