@vasturiano I would also be interested in decoupling the pointer events from pause and resumeAnimation functions. Is there any (planned) progress on this? Mainly I would like to render the...
@vasturiano great thanks! And as for the pointer events. I would like to pauseAnimations onEngineStop. Such that neither the linkCanvasObject nor the nodeCanvasObject get called after the enginestop but click/hover...
@vasturiano Oh perfect!! I saw that option but thought my current version already had that. Now that I upgraded it works really smoothly. Thanks so much, Great library!
Thanks for your quick reply @vasturiano Yes, some of the radial links are black. That is on purpose. All black links represent the order of the nodes, by following the...
Thanks @vasturiano I gave it a try with the `.onEngineStop` but i must be doing something wrong still. Here is the edited [codepen](https://codepen.io/Clarina/pen/WNpONMr) I added the following: ``` graph [...]...
Has anyone figured out which meta tags are used by pinterest to fill the title and description? I already tried the following with no luck. But maybe the hardcoding is...