Krešimir Križanović
Krešimir Križanović
Hello, I know this might not be a real issue, but I didn't know where else I could ask. I was wandering if anyone has any advice in using hifiasm...
hello, I'm trying to assemble a plant genome of roughly 4Gbp with 11 chromosomes. ATM I'm working on haploid assembly. I've got about 3000 contings using hifiasm, and SALSA produced...
Hi, I'm scaffolding a quite large plant genome (estimated 4.1 Gbp). I've used hifiasm to get an initial assembly from PacBio HiFi reads, and then 3d-dna pipeline to get initial...
Hello, I've been running Orthofinder to compare a newly assembled genome (proteome) to several closely related species and one not so closely related. I've downloaded proteins for other species from...